Blue Mind

You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.” – Rumi

Many of us are naturally drawn to the water’s edge. But why? Is it just pleasant memories from childhood happy holidays? Is it the tranquillity of its natural surroundings? Or is there more to it?

It turns out there is a science behind this attraction, and it’s called the BLUE MIND effect.

As Dr. Wallace J. Nichols explains in his 2014 book, Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do :

BLUE MIND is a mildly meditative state characterised by calm, peace, unity and a sense of general happiness and satisfaction with life in the moment. It is inspired by water and elements associated with water, from the colour blue to the words we use to describe the sensations associated with immersion.

The book analyzes studies that suggest living or simply being near bodies of water can have powerful psychological and even physiological effects.

Nichols says, “People can experience the benefits of the water whether they’re near the ocean, a lake, river, swimming pool or even listening to the soothing sound of a fountain. Most communities are built near bodies of water not just for practical reasons, but because as humans, we’re naturally drawn to blue space…but even if you aren’t in an area where there is easy access to water, you can still experience [its] emotional benefits. Many scribes, poets, painters, and sailors have attested to the feeling of wellness and peace that comes over them when they’re in, or near, bodies of water.”

BLUE MIND is building a wider, more inclusive, diverse, and better ocean-lake-river-water story capable of building a bigger blue movement.

What’s your relationship with water? What could it become? Curious?

This BLUE MIND reader’s guide is designed to help you move from the shoreline into deeper waters.